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/ Software of the Month Cl…Children's) 1997 November / Software of the Month Club (Children's) 1997 November.iso / pc / NEOBOOK / NB2.CMP / THYMES19.GFT (.png) < prev    next >
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OCR: 1011 12 1415 18 1920212223 2425 262728293031 345 64 @AB CDEF GHI JKL MNOP R jsuuVwxYz[N 9E la aef ghi i k1 m n pp s tuv W 74xL 128 ue a aa la eeeiii AAE ORf 160 a N ? CAAA 192 AC ODIDEEE It 224 OuP P 34567 ueaaaaceeeiri AAEa OUEORF AAAO